Home Renovations, Additions, Kitchen & Bathroom Make-Overs bring Family Closer Together
“By the fireplace with family, radio on, channeling the 1930’s by candlelight.”
- Tweet during Hurricane Sandy, Nov. 1, 2012
Even though there are still downed trees and construction repairs happening everywhere, restoration of Morris and Essex County homes in New Jersey after this storm of the century is well under way. But now that families are dispersed and back to their own technological devices, wouldn’t it be nice to recreate that cohesive bonding that occurred during the height of the turmoil? Wouldn’t you like to invite friends and family over for a pot luck or holiday dinner but just do not have the room? Believe it or not, there is a growing trend in the real estate market, either by choice or by financial hardship, to have more than two generations living together. And not just for the holidays!
There happens to already be 4.4 million U.S households with three or more generations living together, accounting for over 50 million of us in this type of living situation. The U.S. Census Bureau indicates that this is a growing trend (up 30% from 2000 census figures).
Read more: Home Renovations, Additions, Kitchen & Bathroom Make-Overs bring Family Closer Together